How To Identify Your Ideal Client
How many times have you heard the importance of identifying your ideal client (or "client avatar" or "target audience", ect)?
And you go through those exercises - you know the exercises we're talking about. The one where you go through and determine every specific demographic detail about that person: "Jane identifies as a female, she lives in Denver, is a graphic designer, makes $75,000/year, etc". And have you ever felt really stuck around this? Like, really stuck around the idea that your "ideal customers" have to have all of those basic demographic details in common?
Well, we want to think about your "ideal customer" in a different way. Your ideal customers can share VALUES, not just demographic information. For example: at Digital Box Designs, we serve clients all over the united states, from age 25 to age 65, and they have all different types of businesses. BUT, Digital Box clients share common VALUES. The Digital Box client:
Understands the importance of technology and brand clarity in successful marketing, And is ready to bring in outside expertise to elevate their digital presence.
Knows what they are selling and why — but needs a creative partner to bring their vision to life.
Appreciates an elevated experience throughout their project — and is motivated to create an elevated experience for their own clients.
Values timely, attentive, and clear communication, with thoughtful responses to any and all of their questions and concerns.